Reasons to Use Novel Studies in Your Classroom

Reasons to Use Novel Studies in Your Classroom

The funny thing about educational research is if you look hard enough, you can usually find studies to support both sides of an issue. Very rarely do you find a straight yes or no answer to what is a good or bad theory or practice. Generally, it boils down to the common sense of the teacher in regard to their individual students and the level of freedom the teacher is given by the administration.

Sadly in today’s standardized test-heavy climate, teachers are given less and less freedom to choose what is best for their students. So many curriculum guidelines have become so rigid that teachers aren’t able to modify or enrich with their own lessons and materials.

I struggled with this myself while teaching 4th grade. I taught in a high-poverty, low-scoring school. Most of my 4th graders were able to read at a 1st-2nd-grade level. Very few came to me over the years reading on grade level. The biggest challenge I faced as a reading teacher was getting kids excited about reading. They saw it as such a challenge, and our district used a basal series for reading instruction that was unrelatable and very boring! The students saw no reward for their challenge of getting through a story because the stories were so uninspiring, and they had no emotional connection. I knew if I could “turn them on” to a book, they would see more value in reading and feel payback.

Fortunately, I was blessed with a principal that valued my knowledge as a teacher and let me teach as I saw best for my students. I started with a read-aloud time where the kids would get comfortable, and I would read to them. Kids in the upper elementary grades don’t get read to enough for enjoyment. Often, read-aloud is reserved for the emergent readers of the primary grades. I chose high-interest, generally humorous books that the kids could enjoy. I didn’t strive for any deep thinking for this activity. I just wanted the kids to experience reading as enjoyable. Read-aloud became a favorite part of the school day for both the students and myself.

Once I got my feet wet in the classroom, I started developing novel studies for books where there was a short excerpt in our basal. It is only common sense that reading the whole book is more enjoyable and leads to a much greater understanding by the student. Of course, I was careful to incorporate the skills taught in the basal in my units. I started teaching these novel units alongside the basal stories, and the change between reading the basal versus the novel was amazing. I had kids who were reading at a 2nd-grade level actually focused and challenging themselves reading chapter books at a 4th-grade reading level. They actually wanted to read them versus just getting through some worksheet assignment from the basal. More and more, these lower-level readers were chiming in on class discussions about the books and picking up age-appropriate books by choice in their free time. As a teacher, I found it easier to use Bloom’s higher-order questions using a novel instead of a short excerpt because you could dive more deeply into the story and the characters.

I see similar experiences with my own children when they are allowed to read a “real” book vs. a text-based short story. They’ve never come home from school excited about something they read in a basal, but many times have come home and initiated lengthy discussions about novels that they are reading!

As for the sought-after test scores, I didn’t do any formal research on the subject, but my student’s scores certainly did not drop, and their love of reading soared! Sadly this is not a statistic that is measured often enough.

Another benefit of novel study-based reading instruction is the ability to enhance the student’s critical thinking skills by diving deep into character and plot development. Sadly, we are seeing fewer critical thinking-focused activities in our current “test-prep” atmosphere.

Maybe the most beneficial reason of all to use novels in the classroom is to really tap into the empathy and awareness that books can bring to students. By reading books like Wonder and El Deafo, students can learn about different disabilities and how people learn to live with and excel despite their disabilities. Books such as Number the Stars and Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes can be a great introduction to the Holocaust and the bombing of Hiroshima for elementary students. Hatchet and Esperanza Rising are great books to dive into with a character that faces and survives insurmountable odds. The One and Only Ivan helps students empathize and think about the impact we humans have on the planet. These are just a few examples of how a novel can get students thinking deeply about issues that motivate them to enact positive change in our world.

Using novel studies in the classroom can provide numerous benefits for students and can be a great way to enhance their learning experiences. The benefits of incorporating novel studies into your curriculum are:

  • Improved Reading Skills: By reading and analyzing a novel, students can develop and improve their reading skills, including comprehension, critical thinking, and vocabulary.
  • Cultural Awareness: Novels often reflect the culture and values of a specific time and place, allowing students to gain a better understanding of different perspectives and worldviews.
  • Enhance Writing Skills: By writing essays and participating in class discussions, students can improve their writing and speaking skills.
  • Encourage Empathy: By reading about and analyzing characters, students can develop empathy and learn to understand and relate to the experiences and perspectives of others.
  • Promote Engagement: Novel studies can be a fun and engaging way for students to learn and can help foster a love of reading.

Incorporating novel studies into your curriculum can provide a multitude of benefits for your students and can enhance their learning experiences in many ways.

Are you interested in reading about and sharing ideas with other educators on using children’s literature in your classroom? My goal is to bring together teachers and homeschoolers who teach grades 3-8 and use novels with their students. I’d love for you to join me to learn, share, and grow together!

Click here or the image below to join my Facebook group, Book Talk with The Teaching Bank!

Click to join Book Talk with The Teaching Bank


A Teacher’s Guide to a Successful Back-to-School Organizing

A Teacher’s Guide to a Successful Back-to-School Organizing

As the summer draws to a close and the start of a new school year lies ahead, it’s time to think about the challenging back-to-school season. Preparing for the return of students can be a daunting task, but with effective organizing strategies, teachers can set the stage for a successful and smooth transition.

Here are some essential tips and suggestions to help you organize for back to school, and create an environment that fosters learning, engagement, and growth.

  • Create a Master To-Do List: Kickstart your back-to-school preparation by compiling a comprehensive to-do list. Divide it into categories such as classroom setup, curriculum planning, administrative tasks, and professional development. This list will serve as a roadmap to guide your efforts and ensure that no critical aspect of preparation is overlooked.
  • Declutter and Deep Clean: Start the school year fresh by decluttering your classroom. Get rid of unnecessary materials and clean all surfaces, shelves, and storage areas.
  • Designate Learning Areas: Create specific zones for various learning activities, like reading corners, writing centers, and science exploration stations.
  • Organize Supplies: Arrange school supplies in labeled bins or drawers for easy access during lessons.
  • Update Materials: Check teaching resources and update or replace outdated materials to keep the content fresh and engaging. Ensure your lesson plans align with your district’s requirements.
  • Integrate Technology: Explore educational apps, online resources, and interactive tools to incorporate technology into your lessons effectively.
  • Create a Yearly Calendar: Develop a yearly overview of key academic events, holidays, assessments, and deadlines to help you plan accordingly.



  • Set Realistic Goals: Define achievable goals for yourself and your students. Break them down into smaller milestones to track progress effectively.
  • Draft a Welcome Letter: Draft a warm and informative welcome letter to introduce yourself to parents and provide them with essential information about your classroom and contact details.
  • Parent-Teacher Communication: Establish clear channels of communication with parents, such as email updates, a class website, or a communication app.
  • Join Professional Communities: Connect with other educators in person or through online forums to share ideas, resources, and experiences.
  • Prioritize Well-being: Remember that taking care of yourself is essential for being an effective teacher. Prioritize self-care, maintain a work-life balance, and avoid burnout.
  • Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. Avoid excessive after-hours work and dedicate time to hobbies and relaxation.


Organizing for back-to-school is a crucial step in setting the tone for a successful academic year. By creating a comprehensive to-do list, organizing your classroom, refreshing your curriculum, managing time effectively, fostering parent-teacher communication, connecting with colleagues, and prioritizing self-care, you can ensure a smooth and successful start to the new school year.


Remember, a well-organized teacher creates an environment that encourages students to thrive and reach their full potential. Here’s to an exciting and productive academic year ahead!

Got Spring Fever?

Got Spring Fever?

As spring blooms and the weather shifts, I’m sure many of us are itching to step outside. I can only imagine how restless students, confined indoors, must feel! Spring beckons us to venture out, experience the blossoming world—not merely observe it through a window. Nevertheless, school must go on. How do you engage students in learning when their attention drifts with the allure of the outdoors?


Head Outdoors: 

• Allow students to earn additional free time outside. Join in! Play a class game of kickball and get in there and play with them!

• Take the class outside and find a quiet spot for silent or read-aloud time. Some of my favorite teaching memories are sitting under the giant tree on the front lawn of the school and reading with my students.


Add more “get up and move activities” to your day.

These could include review games that allow the children to move.





Have students choose and set a goal for themselves to meet by the end of the school year to give them something individual to focus on and achieve.



Bring a focus on science by creating a community garden for your school.


Based on the resources, especially over the summer, this could consist of spring annuals for beauty or possibly vegetables for nourishment if the resources allow for it.



Some great sites to help come up with outdoor class ideas can be found here:




A community space that they beautify gives the students a sense of pride that they are leaving a legacy behind at their school.



Before you know it, summer will arrive. In the meantime, take a moment to embrace the fragrance of spring flowers, revel in nature, and engage in playful activities with your class. It’s a great way to ease those restless spring fever symptoms for everyone.


Using Google Classroom to Survive E-Learning Days

Using Google Classroom to Survive E-Learning Days

While having your students physically present offers the best means to gauge their comprehension of a subject and identify the necessity for tailored instruction, circumstances may arise where this isn’t feasible. Increasingly, students equipped with laptops and various devices are transforming traditional “free” snow days into E-Learning days. This shift aims to prevent extending the school year by leveraging technology for remote learning when in-person classes are impractical.

man clearing snow with a snowblower in a blizzard

Periodic closures of schools due to natural disasters have been evident in various regions. For instance, in Nebraska, schools grappled with flooding issues both, in the spring and fall, resulting in chaotic interruptions to regular schedules. Additionally, student absences can range from short-term illnesses to prolonged health issues, leading to extended periods away from the classroom.

Furthermore, homeschooling communities often utilize e-learning within their cooperative groups or classes. The diverse array of reasons preventing direct in-person interaction with students underscores the significance of technology. It enables educators to virtually engage with their students during such challenging times, bridging the physical gap through digital platforms.

In my role as a curriculum writer, I prioritize flexibility by integrating numerous choices and options into my educational materials. Having been a teacher myself, I understand the constant influx of various challenges and unforeseen circumstances that a standard textbook isn’t equipped to handle. My educational philosophy revolves around the idea that a student ideally engages with the material using all their senses, transforming learning into solid knowledge. Therefore, all my resources feature a hands-on component—printable and tactile—encouraging collaborative engagement between students and teachers.

Recognizing the limitations of this ideal scenario, I’ve supplemented almost all my products with a Google Drive format, providing educators with alternative options. The Google Drive version encompasses the same content areas but allows for a paperless approach, utilizing Google Drive tools like Slides and Forms.

My portfolio predominantly includes a blend of printable and Google format materials, ranging from novel studies, social studies, to financial literacy resources. Additionally, I offer ELA and Math centers that are interactive on Google Drive while still being available in printable formats. Each download includes complete printable content and instructions on accessing and integrating the Google format files into your Google Drive, facilitating ease of use for educators.


After clicking on the provided link, your file will be visible in your Google Drive account under the name “Copy of File Name.” You can conveniently modify this title to your preference by clicking on the name box. Subsequently, you can assign these files to your students through Google Classroom.

How to use Novel Studies in an E-Learning Format?

In utilizing novel studies, your students will require a copy of the novel to accompany either the printable or Google Drive format provided. With the book in hand, they can seamlessly navigate through the study, engaging with comprehension questions, vocabulary activities, and extended writing tasks on Google Slides, mirroring the functionality available in the printable version. Teachers can track their progress through Google Classroom and I recommend conducting check-ins with small groups via platforms like Google Talk (or Google Hangouts/Google Chat) or Zoom. These sessions allow for discussions about the material read, ensuring comprehension and encouraging deeper exploration of the novel. It’s akin to the class discussions held in person, bridging the gap using technology.

All my novel studies feature assessments that can be completed through Google Forms. The multiple-choice assessments for comprehension and vocabulary are self-grading, significantly reducing grading time for teachers. However, the writing assessments, being more open-ended, cannot be self-graded. Typically consisting of one to two questions per assessment, these tasks can be submitted via Google Classroom for review and grading by the teacher.

How to use Social Studies and Financial Literacy Activities in an E-Learning Format?

My social studies and financial literacy resources are structured similarly to the novel studies in Google format, but they don’t require any specific books or textbooks. These materials feature Webquest links that offer learning content and include slideshow presentations in all social studies resources to facilitate students’ understanding and completion of activities.

Just like with the novel studies, Google Slides serve as the platform for both the presentations and activity completion. Additionally, in certain financial literacy activities such as the Escape Room exercises, Google Forms are integrated to delve deeper into the content alongside the use of Google Slides.

How to use ELA and Math Centers in an E-Learning Format?

The interactive ELA and Math Centers are designed to be completed using Google Slides. Students engage with the components to practice various skills, and teachers can oversee their progress through Google Classroom.

What can I do if my student doesn’t have access to equipment or the internet?

Many of us assume ready access to computers, laptops, and internet connectivity at home, yet some students lack this accessibility. In public schools, it’s our responsibility to ensure equity among our students. If your school lacks one-to-one capability or if a student doesn’t have home internet access, all my materials are provided in printable formats within the same product download. These activities are identical, just presented on paper rather than on a computer. You can distribute these packets to students for home use. To stay connected, consider communicating via phone calls, Facetime, or Skype for those with access via a parent’s cell phone. The content remains the same, only the format differs.

Technology offers various avenues to engage with students. While I advocate for a multisensory approach to learning—incorporating reading, writing, manipulation, and discussion—I recognize that there are instances where this isn’t feasible. In such cases, I hope my materials offer diverse options for utilization during e-learning scenarios.

Explore these free samples offered in my store, featuring both printable and Google Drive™ formats. They provide an opportunity for you to familiarize yourself with the functionalities of these resources.

Sample from my Wonder Novel Study
Sample Social Studies Activity

In this post titled “Tips for Using Google Drive in Your Classroom,” you’ll discover helpful suggestions on customizing Google Drive products to suit your specific requirements more effortlessly.


Tips for Using Google Drive in Your Classroom

Tips for Using Google Drive in Your Classroom

Utilizing technology in classrooms today comes with numerous benefits, yet it’s not without its downsides like glitches and user frustrations. To support educators in leveraging available technology without the hassle of creating their own files, I offer my novel studies and social studies resources in both printable and Google Drive formats.

Given the novelty of these formats, I frequently receive technical queries from buyers. To address these common questions and offer guidance on customizing the files to suit specific requirements, I’ve crafted this blog post featuring answers to these inquiries and a tutorial on file manipulation.

How do I get the file into my Google Drive?

While each of my products includes an instruction guide, occasional issues may still arise. One common oversight is when teachers aren’t logged into their intended Google Drive account to store the purchased file. Clicking the link without being logged in often prompts a request for access, which shouldn’t be necessary after the purchase. Neither you nor your students should need to request access if the instructions have been followed correctly.

The solution typically involves ensuring proper login to your Google Drive before clicking the file link. Once logged in, you can seamlessly share the file via Google Classroom without any access requests needed.

To proceed, ensure you’re logged into your Google Drive and then click the link provided within your resource, resembling this:

A new tab will open with the force copy prompt.

The file will now be visible in your Google Drive account under the name “Copy of File Name.” You can conveniently modify this name to your preference by clicking directly into the name box and making the desired changes.

How can I assign individual chapters or activities to students instead of the whole file?

I aim to streamline and share this content as efficiently as possible. Each Google file I create has a unique link. To prevent confusion, I usually keep unit materials consolidated into a single file link or a few links for larger files divided into sections. This consolidation avoids overwhelming teachers with numerous individual links for chapters or activities.

Understanding the need for flexibility in tailoring materials to suit classroom requirements, I often receive inquiries about sharing specific sections—like a single chapter—with students. To assist in creating customized assignments from your master file, I’ve outlined straightforward steps below for quick customization to meet your specific needs.

Once your master file is in your Google Drive, follow these steps:

The dimensions mentioned earlier apply to all my novel study products. However, for social studies materials, sizes can vary, often set at 12×12. To ensure your file matches the right dimensions and avoids distortion, check the page setup of your master file.

I trust these details and suggestions will assist you in tailoring your files to suit your students’ and classroom’s specific needs. Should you have further queries or need clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out—I’m more than happy to provide tips and clear up any confusion. You can find my email address on the initial page of every file downloaded from my store.

How Much Does it Cost You to Go Back to School?

How Much Does it Cost You to Go Back to School?

Numerous stories highlight how much teachers personally invest in their classrooms. I’m sure this isn’t news to you! And let’s not forget about all the “off the clock” time teachers dedicate to preparing their classrooms!

During the 1995-96 school year, I embarked on my journey as a fourth-grade teacher. I vividly recall feeling incredibly overwhelmed by numerous aspects. Teaching in a low-income school was a significant culture shock—I had some foresight, but it still took me by surprise. What truly astonished me was the utter scarcity of supplies and the condition of the building and classroom I was assigned. College never prepared me for the complete lack of support I encountered when it came to classroom supplies!

During my initial year at the school, which dated back to 1912, it was clear that it was in dire need of maintenance. Between 1995 and 1999, the building showed its age. Stepping into my classroom for the first time, I encountered a collection of 20 older metal desks, a worn-out teacher’s desk with broken drawer locks, a single empty bookshelf, two smaller tables, and a dusty, antiquated overhead projector on a cart!

After a thorough cleaning, I took inventory of what I had. The supply room offered some giant rolls of colored paper for projects or bulletin boards, a few pencils, and that thin, brownish-tinted student paper. To acquire basic supplies like scissors, pens, and other essentials for my desk, I had to place an order. Unfortunately, our school lacked any form of a Parent/Teacher organization, leaving us without additional funding sources. Despite the limited inventory, I was excited to decorate and transform my classroom into a welcoming space for our community to gather and learn!

To create a reading area, I purchased a carpet remnant and scoured garage sales for an old chair and as many chapter books as I could find. With hardwood floors and lofty ceilings, the room lacked coziness and had terrible acoustics!

Given the income level of the area and district policies, we couldn’t request students to bring any school supplies. I took advantage of Target’s back-to-school sales to stock up on folders and necessary supplies for the students. Of course, I depleted my checking account at teacher resource stores, buying bulletin board supplies and classroom decor—the days before Teachers Pay Teachers, where creating and printing resources yourself wasn’t an option.

A computer wasn’t added to my classroom until about a year later. I found solace in using the laminator provided by the district at the Teachers Administration Building in another part of town.

I was immensely proud of how inviting my classroom looked, but my bank account definitely felt the strain of those initial school days!

Throughout the year, I made efforts to expand our class library with $1 books from Scholastic orders, desperately seeking chapter books. As our school only went up to the fourth grade, the school library had a limited selection, especially of chapter books. Unfortunately, many students didn’t have access to public libraries, making the school their primary source for books. It was crucial to me that they had access to age-appropriate books. Expecting fourth-grade reading levels without appropriate materials felt unfair when they had access only to second-grade and below books.

I continuously replaced folders and other supplies, ensuring a steady stock of tissues. Surprisingly, the district didn’t provide tissues, leaving us with coarse paper towels that were uncomfortable and not very hygienic!

Over that first year, I ended up spending around $1400—more than a month’s pay—on supplies to create a conducive learning environment in my classroom. I didn’t go for anything extravagant; I aimed to furnish the basics to transform the room into a proper learning space.

Reflecting on that room fills me with pride. However, there’s a lingering feeling that the school should have provided more. I don’t regret spending on those kids; they deserved a welcoming classroom. Yet, it shouldn’t have solely relied on someone earning a mere $10,000 per year*!

In the subsequent years, I didn’t have to invest as much since items like the carpet, chair, and bean bags were reusable. However, I continued contributing to various other supplies, and it all added up!

Seeing the media portray teaching as a cushy 9-month job and hearing disrespectful comments really frustrates me. The public often doesn’t realize that my experience is a common reality in classrooms across the country every year. How many other professions expect employees to contribute a month’s pay annually back to their employer or clientele?

I’m aware that teachers’ financial situations haven’t improved over the years; if anything, they’ve worsened due to legislation that harms or eradicates teacher unions.

Statistics reveal that 94% of teachers spend from their own pockets. Frankly, I find this number surprisingly low—I’ve never encountered a teacher who spends nothing, let alone just 6% of them! The national average spending by teachers out of pocket is $479. How does this compare to your experience? Do you receive adequate support for essentials or extras?

Where do you usually find the best deals for classroom items? Share your thoughts and any fantastic deals you’ve come across in the comments below!

*In my first-year contract, I received a stipend of $10,000 with my tuition for a Master’s Degree at UNO covered. Unfortunately, I didn’t receive any medical or other benefits.