Meet the World’s Greatest Underachiever, Hank Zipzer!

Meet the World’s Greatest Underachiever, Hank Zipzer!

Niagara Falls or Does It? is the first book in Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver’s Hank Zipzer series. Hank Zipzer is inspired by the challenges that Henry Winkler (best known as the Fonz!) faced as a boy with undiagnosed Dyslexia. Henry’s undiagnosed Dyslexia made him a classic underachiever and gave him anxiety about all aspects of going to school.

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The Hank Zipzer series is about Hank’s funny adventures while highlighting the inner thoughts, doubts, and fears that living with learning differences poses. Henry himself, along with his co-author, Lin Oliver, explain their inspiration for the series here:

I loved the quote from Lin Oliver, ” The most important part for us in creating the series is to speak to kids and let them know that inside each one of them they have a unique and special contribution that they can make to the world.” Kids that face learning challenges, among them Dyslexia, often face depression and low-self esteem, thinking they are dumb or less than their peers. The series gives kids the voice to know that they aren’t “stupid” that they are just wired in a different way, and in many ways, this makes them even more talented in certain things.

As a parent of a child who deals with similar learning challenges, I find Henry Winkler and his character Hank Zipzer so inspiring. I was so happy to be able to give this book to my son in third grade so that he could read a book which had a character that he could relate to to inspire, knowing he is smarter than he may feel. Add the humor. and this kid was hooked. It’s great that there are sixteen more books in the series to keep kids reading.

I’d like to share another video from Henry Winkler, where he discusses Dyslexia and shares his experiences. He is an inspiring role model for kids with learning challenges, and if you have someone in your life struggling, be it a student or your own child, please share this with them as well.

Benefits of Using Niagara Falls, or Does It? in Your Classroom:

  • Offers a Relatable Protagonist: Hank Zipzer, the main character of the book, is a relatable figure for many students. Hank struggles with Dyslexia, a learning difference that affects his academic performance and self-esteem. His journey resonates with students who may face similar challenges, offering them a character they can identify with and providing a platform for discussions about diversity, empathy, and resilience.
  • Promotes Literacy and Empathy: Niagara Falls or Does It? not only entertains but also promotes literacy skills and empathy. As students follow Hank’s adventures, they are exposed to rich vocabulary, descriptive language, and engaging storytelling. Additionally, the book fosters empathy as readers gain insight into Hank’s experiences and emotions, encouraging them to understand and appreciate differences in others.
  • Explores Important Themes: This novel touches on various themes that are relevant to students’ lives, such as friendship, family dynamics, overcoming challenges, and the importance of perseverance. By exploring these themes through Hank’s experiences, teachers can initiate meaningful discussions and activities that encourage critical thinking and personal reflection.
  • Provides Multidisciplinary Learning Opportunities: Niagara Falls or Does It? provides ample opportunities for multidisciplinary learning. Teachers can incorporate activities related to geography, history, science, and even mathematics, making the book a versatile addition to various subject areas. From exploring the geography of Niagara Falls to conducting experiments related to water flow, the possibilities for cross-curricular integration are endless.
  • Encourages a Growth Mindset: Hank Zipzer’s journey exemplifies the power of a growth mindset – the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and effort. Despite facing numerous obstacles, Hank perseveres and learns to embrace his strengths and weaknesses. By highlighting Hank’s growth mindset, teachers can inspire students to adopt a positive attitude towards challenges and view mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Supports Inclusivity and Diversity: In today’s diverse classrooms, it is essential to include literature that reflects the experiences of all students. Niagara Falls or Does It? celebrates diversity through its portrayal of characters from different backgrounds and abilities. By featuring a protagonist with dyslexia, the book promotes inclusivity and encourages acceptance of individual differences.

Niagara Falls or Does It? offers a wealth of educational benefits that make it a valuable addition to any classroom curriculum. From promoting literacy and empathy to fostering a growth mindset and celebrating diversity, this novel has the power to engage students on multiple levels while imparting important life lessons. Teachers who incorporate Hank Zipzer into their classroom instruction will not only enrich their students’ learning experiences but also cultivate a culture of empathy, resilience, and inclusivity.

I offer a complete novel study to accompany Niagara Falls, or Does it? for use in the classroom or homeschool. The unit includes both a printable format and a Google Drive™ format for use in a paperless classroom or with Google Classroom.

See what people are saying about the Hank Zipzer: Niagara Falls, or Does It? Novel Study by The Teaching Bank!


Try a free sample of the novel study for Hank Zipzer: Niagara Falls, or Does It?

You can purchase this novel study at the following locations:

Once you’ve moved through the Hank Zipzer series another great book that comes from the voice of a character with Dyslexia which I highly recommend for kids in grades 4-6, is Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mulally Hunt.

Are you interested in reading about and sharing ideas with other educators on using children’s literature in your classroom? My goal is to bring together teachers and homeschoolers who teach grades 3-8 and use novels with their students. I’d love for you to join me to learn, share, and grow together!

Click here or the image below to join my Facebook group, Book Talk with The Teaching Bank!

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*The Teaching Bank participates in the Amazon Associate Program and earns a fee from qualifying purchases made on the Amazon.com site.

Using Google Classroom to Survive E-Learning Days

Using Google Classroom to Survive E-Learning Days

While having your students physically present offers the best means to gauge their comprehension of a subject and identify the necessity for tailored instruction, circumstances may arise where this isn’t feasible. Increasingly, students equipped with laptops and various devices are transforming traditional “free” snow days into E-Learning days. This shift aims to prevent extending the school year by leveraging technology for remote learning when in-person classes are impractical.

man clearing snow with a snowblower in a blizzard

Periodic closures of schools due to natural disasters have been evident in various regions. For instance, in Nebraska, schools grappled with flooding issues both, in the spring and fall, resulting in chaotic interruptions to regular schedules. Additionally, student absences can range from short-term illnesses to prolonged health issues, leading to extended periods away from the classroom.

Furthermore, homeschooling communities often utilize e-learning within their cooperative groups or classes. The diverse array of reasons preventing direct in-person interaction with students underscores the significance of technology. It enables educators to virtually engage with their students during such challenging times, bridging the physical gap through digital platforms.

In my role as a curriculum writer, I prioritize flexibility by integrating numerous choices and options into my educational materials. Having been a teacher myself, I understand the constant influx of various challenges and unforeseen circumstances that a standard textbook isn’t equipped to handle. My educational philosophy revolves around the idea that a student ideally engages with the material using all their senses, transforming learning into solid knowledge. Therefore, all my resources feature a hands-on component—printable and tactile—encouraging collaborative engagement between students and teachers.

Recognizing the limitations of this ideal scenario, I’ve supplemented almost all my products with a Google Drive format, providing educators with alternative options. The Google Drive version encompasses the same content areas but allows for a paperless approach, utilizing Google Drive tools like Slides and Forms.

My portfolio predominantly includes a blend of printable and Google format materials, ranging from novel studies, social studies, to financial literacy resources. Additionally, I offer ELA and Math centers that are interactive on Google Drive while still being available in printable formats. Each download includes complete printable content and instructions on accessing and integrating the Google format files into your Google Drive, facilitating ease of use for educators.


After clicking on the provided link, your file will be visible in your Google Drive account under the name “Copy of File Name.” You can conveniently modify this title to your preference by clicking on the name box. Subsequently, you can assign these files to your students through Google Classroom.

How to use Novel Studies in an E-Learning Format?

In utilizing novel studies, your students will require a copy of the novel to accompany either the printable or Google Drive format provided. With the book in hand, they can seamlessly navigate through the study, engaging with comprehension questions, vocabulary activities, and extended writing tasks on Google Slides, mirroring the functionality available in the printable version. Teachers can track their progress through Google Classroom and I recommend conducting check-ins with small groups via platforms like Google Talk (or Google Hangouts/Google Chat) or Zoom. These sessions allow for discussions about the material read, ensuring comprehension and encouraging deeper exploration of the novel. It’s akin to the class discussions held in person, bridging the gap using technology.

All my novel studies feature assessments that can be completed through Google Forms. The multiple-choice assessments for comprehension and vocabulary are self-grading, significantly reducing grading time for teachers. However, the writing assessments, being more open-ended, cannot be self-graded. Typically consisting of one to two questions per assessment, these tasks can be submitted via Google Classroom for review and grading by the teacher.

How to use Social Studies and Financial Literacy Activities in an E-Learning Format?

My social studies and financial literacy resources are structured similarly to the novel studies in Google format, but they don’t require any specific books or textbooks. These materials feature Webquest links that offer learning content and include slideshow presentations in all social studies resources to facilitate students’ understanding and completion of activities.

Just like with the novel studies, Google Slides serve as the platform for both the presentations and activity completion. Additionally, in certain financial literacy activities such as the Escape Room exercises, Google Forms are integrated to delve deeper into the content alongside the use of Google Slides.

How to use ELA and Math Centers in an E-Learning Format?

The interactive ELA and Math Centers are designed to be completed using Google Slides. Students engage with the components to practice various skills, and teachers can oversee their progress through Google Classroom.

What can I do if my student doesn’t have access to equipment or the internet?

Many of us assume ready access to computers, laptops, and internet connectivity at home, yet some students lack this accessibility. In public schools, it’s our responsibility to ensure equity among our students. If your school lacks one-to-one capability or if a student doesn’t have home internet access, all my materials are provided in printable formats within the same product download. These activities are identical, just presented on paper rather than on a computer. You can distribute these packets to students for home use. To stay connected, consider communicating via phone calls, Facetime, or Skype for those with access via a parent’s cell phone. The content remains the same, only the format differs.

Technology offers various avenues to engage with students. While I advocate for a multisensory approach to learning—incorporating reading, writing, manipulation, and discussion—I recognize that there are instances where this isn’t feasible. In such cases, I hope my materials offer diverse options for utilization during e-learning scenarios.

Explore these free samples offered in my store, featuring both printable and Google Drive™ formats. They provide an opportunity for you to familiarize yourself with the functionalities of these resources.

Sample from my Wonder Novel Study
Sample Social Studies Activity

In this post titled “Tips for Using Google Drive in Your Classroom,” you’ll discover helpful suggestions on customizing Google Drive products to suit your specific requirements more effortlessly.


The Power of El Deafo!

The Power of El Deafo!

In today’s diverse and ever-changing world, fostering empathy, promoting inclusivity, and celebrating differences are more important than ever. Literature is a powerful tool that can help achieve these goals, and one book that stands out in this regard is El Deafo by Cece Bell. This graphic novel has the potential to be a valuable addition to any classroom curriculum, offering a unique perspective on disability, friendship, and acceptance.

A while back, I partook in a discussion on Facebook about the factuality of the novel Wonder. I love the book Wonder and feel it has a solid place in the classroom, but how the author addresses hearing loss is concerning. I addressed this in my novel study by adding a non-fiction article to help portray the real side of hearing loss so that students reading the novel understand the mistakes made by the author.

While discussing my feelings on Facebook, another person asked if I had read the novel El Deafo by Cece Bell. She was curious about how real and factual it is to a person who walks in the shoes of hearing loss, such as me. She said her students overwhelmingly love the Newbery Honor-winning graphic novel. I immediately ordered the novel to read and am so happy I did!

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I have been living with hearing loss for over 25 years. It is a daily struggle to communicate with my family and the world. I have lost many things due to my hearing loss, including my teaching career. El Deafo is the autobiographical story of Cece Bell’s struggles with hearing loss told in a graphic novel format that is a perfect way to get the true feelings across. The book highlights how Cece embraces these struggles and turns them into a superpower! Even though Cece is in elementary school in the book, and I am well beyond that age, I found myself shaking my head in agreement and relating to Cece like I never have before in any other story I have read. It’s like so many of the things she was saying I have said or felt so many times!


The message that volume does not equal better hearing was strong in this book, and it is a message that the hearing world really fails to understand yet really needs to! Talking louder, talking slower, talking more pronounced DOES NOT HELP! It makes it much more difficult for those like Cece and myself who rely on lip-reading to understand. If the only message that you take away from this story is NOT to turn up the volume for those with hearing loss, the world will be a better place! That’s not the only message, as there were so many I could relate to, including isolation, feelings of shame, embarrassment, avoidance of situations, putting up with things and people only due to fear, and on and on. Cece embraces her differences and turns them into a superpower that draws people to her. I just loved everything about this book. You don’t have to have hearing loss to relate to and love this book, in fact, it is better for those with no hearing loss to read so they can better understand.

Benefits of Using El Deafo in Your Classroom:

  • Promotes Disability Awareness and Understanding: El Deafo is a heartfelt and engaging memoir that chronicles the author’s own experiences growing up with a hearing impairment. By introducing students to Cece Bell’s personal journey, teachers can help them gain a deeper understanding of what it’s like to live with a disability. This can lead to more compassionate and empathetic students who are better equipped to interact with people of all abilities.
  • Encourages Empathy: One of the most powerful aspects of El Deafo is its ability to evoke empathy in readers. Cece’s struggles and triumphs are relatable to many, regardless of their own experiences. By exploring the challenges faced by the protagonist, students can develop a greater sense of empathy towards those who may have different life experiences, fostering a more inclusive and understanding classroom environment.
  • Celebrates Differences: In El Deafo, Cece Bell uses her superhero alter ego, “El Deafo,” to navigate the complexities of her hearing impairment. This unique perspective not only celebrates diversity but also highlights the importance of embracing one’s differences. By discussing the book in class, teachers can promote self-acceptance and encourage students to appreciate the qualities that make each individual unique.
  • Enhances Literacy Skills: El Deafo is a graphic novel, which makes it an excellent choice for promoting literacy skills, especially for reluctant readers. The combination of text and illustrations helps students engage with the story on multiple levels, improving their comprehension and critical thinking skills. Teachers can use the book to teach literary devices, character development, and narrative structure.
  • Fosters Classroom Discussions: Using El Deafo as a classroom resource can spark meaningful discussions about a wide range of topics, including friendship, communication, resilience, and bullying. These discussions can encourage students to express their thoughts and opinions, promoting a more open and inclusive learning environment.
  • Supports Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Social and emotional learning is a crucial aspect of education, and El Deafo can be a valuable tool for addressing SEL competencies. Through the story, students can explore themes such as self-awareness, self-management, and relationship skills. Teachers can create activities and discussions that align with SEL goals, helping students develop essential life skills.


El Deafo is a powerful and impactful novel that offers a unique perspective on the experiences of the hearing-loss community. Its accessible format, relevant themes, and emotional connection make it an ideal choice for a novel study in the classroom.

See what people are saying about the El Deafo Novel Study by The Teaching Bank!

Try a free sample of the novel study for El Deafo

El Deafo by Cece Bell is a powerful and engaging graphic novel that has the potential to enrich the classroom experience in numerous ways. By using this book as part of their curriculum, teachers can promote disability awareness, encourage empathy, celebrate differences, enhance literacy skills, foster meaningful discussions, and support social and emotional learning. Ultimately, El Deafo can help create a more inclusive, empathetic, and understanding classroom environment, preparing students to be compassionate and open-minded individuals in an increasingly diverse world.

You can purchase this novel study at the following locations:


Are you interested in reading about and sharing ideas with other educators on using children’s literature in your classroom? My goal is to bring together teachers and homeschoolers who teach grades 3-8 and use novels with their students. I’d love for you to join me to learn, share, and grow together!

Click here or the image below to join my Facebook group, Book Talk with The Teaching Bank!

Click to join Book Talk with The Teaching Bank

*The Teaching Bank participates in the Amazon Associate Program and earns a fee from qualifying purchases made on the Amazon.com site.

Shiloh is a Powerful Classroom Tool

Shiloh is a Powerful Classroom Tool

Phyllis Reynolds Naylor’s novel, Shiloh, is a captivating and impactful novel that engages readers and fosters a love for reading. Shiloh offers a rich tapestry of themes, character development, and ethical dilemmas that make it a fantastic choice for the classroom. Shiloh is a must-read and can benefit both their students’ academic growth and moral development. 

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The Benefits of Using Shiloh in Your Classroom:

  • Contains Relatable Themes: Shiloh addresses timeless themes that resonate with young readers. The story revolves around the bond between a young boy named Marty and a mistreated dog named Shiloh. Themes of friendship, empathy, compassion, and the importance of standing up for what is right are woven into the narrative. These themes provide students with opportunities to explore their own values and ethics, making Shiloh an ideal text for fostering discussions about moral dilemmas.
  • Explores Character Development: Naylor’s novel offers well-crafted characters, each with their own flaws and virtues. Students can easily relate to Marty’s journey of self-discovery and his determination to protect Shiloh. The characters’ development throughout the story allows for in-depth character analysis, helping students understand how experiences can shape a person’s beliefs and actions.
  • Builds Vocabulary: Shiloh introduces students to a rich vocabulary that can expand their language skills. Naylor’s writing is both accessible and eloquent, making it a valuable resource for building students’ vocabulary and improving their reading comprehension. Teachers can incorporate vocabulary-building exercises and discussions related to the book’s language throughout the reading process.
  • Encourages Ethical Discussions: The moral dilemmas presented in Shiloh offer an excellent opportunity for ethical discussions in the classroom. Students can engage in thoughtful debates about topics such as animal rights, honesty, and the consequences of one’s actions. These discussions encourage critical thinking and help students develop their own moral compass.
  • Enhances Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Reading Shiloh can enhance students’ empathy and emotional intelligence. They will empathize with Shiloh’s plight and Marty’s internal struggle to do what’s right. This emotional connection to the characters promotes empathy and a deeper understanding of the emotions and perspectives of others, a crucial skill for building positive relationships.
  • Provides Real-World Relevance: Shiloh also offers a bridge to real-world issues. Students can explore topics like animal welfare, kindness, and the power of advocacy, connecting the fictional story to current events and global concerns. This real-world relevance can make literature more meaningful and engaging for students.

Phyllis Reynolds Naylor’s Shiloh is more than just a heartwarming tale of a boy and his dog, it’s a powerful tool to inspire young minds. By bringing this novel into the classroom, you can explore relatable themes, promote character development, enhance vocabulary, and engage students in ethical discussions. Shiloh also nurtures empathy, emotional intelligence, and real-world relevance while providing valuable assessment opportunities. Introduce your students to Marty and Shiloh’s world—a journey that will leave a lasting impact on their academic and moral growth.

I offer a complete novel study to accompany Shiloh for use in the classroom or homeschool. The unit includes both a printable format and a Google Drive™ format, for use in a paperless classroom or with Google Classroom.

See what people are saying about the Shiloh Novel Study by The Teaching Bank!

Try a free sample of the novel study for Shiloh 

You can purchase this novel study at the following locations:

Are you interested in reading about and sharing ideas with other educators on using children’s literature in your classroom? My goal is to bring together teachers and homeschoolers who teach grades 3-8 and use novels with their students. I’d love for you to join me to learn, share, and grow together!

Click here or the image below to join my Facebook group, Book Talk with The Teaching Bank!

Click to join Book Talk with The Teaching Bank

*The Teaching Bank participates in the Amazon Associate Program and earns a fee from qualifying purchases made on the Amazon.com site.

Filling in the HOLES of Reading Lessons

Filling in the HOLES of Reading Lessons

In the world of literature, there are a few timeless classics that have captured the hearts and minds of students and teachers alike. One such novel is Holes by Louis Sachar. This remarkable novel, filled with mystery, humor, and life lessons, is an ideal choice for educators looking to engage and inspire their students. 

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Benefits of Using Holes in Your Classroom:

  • Promotes Critical Thinking: One of the key benefits of using Holes in the classroom is its ability to promote critical thinking skills. The novel’s intricate plot and complex characters encourage students to analyze, make connections, and draw conclusions. This can be especially beneficial in developing higher-order thinking skills that are essential for success in any field.
  • Teaches Resilience and Perseverance: Through the trials and tribulations faced by the protagonist, Stanley Yelnats, Holes teaches students about resilience and perseverance. The characters’ struggles in the face of adversity provide valuable life lessons that can inspire and motivate students to overcome their own challenges.
  • Fosters a Love for Reading: Louis Sachar’s storytelling prowess shines in Holes. The book’s intriguing narrative, witty dialogue, and unexpected twists make it an enjoyable read for students of all ages. By introducing students to such an engaging novel, teachers can help foster a lifelong love for reading.
  • Contains Diverse Themes for Discussion: Holes is rich in themes that can spark meaningful classroom discussions. From justice and friendship to family dynamics and social inequality, the novel provides ample opportunities for teachers to explore these topics with their students, fostering both empathy and critical thinking.
  • Aligned with Curriculum Standards:  Holes aligns seamlessly with curriculum standards in language arts, making it an excellent choice for classroom use. The novel can be integrated into various lesson plans, including those related to character development, plot structure, and literary analysis.
  • Accessible to Diverse Readers: Holes appeals to a wide range of readers, making it suitable for diverse classrooms. Its accessible language and compelling story ensure that students of varying reading levels can engage with the material, promoting inclusivity.

Incorporating Louis Sachar’s Holes into your classroom can be a transformative experience for you and your students. Its ability to promote critical thinking, teach life lessons, foster a love for reading, and align with curriculum standards make it a valuable addition to any teacher’s toolbox. So, dive into the world of Holes and watch your students’ imaginations and love for reading take off.

I offer a complete novel study to accompany Holes for use in the classroom or homeschool. The unit includes both a printable format and a Google Drive™ format, for use in a paperless classroom or with Google Classroom.

See what people are saying about the Holes Novel Study by The Teaching Bank!

Try a free sample of the novel study for Holes 

You can purchase this novel study at the following locations:

Are you interested in reading about and sharing ideas with other educators on using children’s literature in your classroom? My goal is to bring together teachers and homeschoolers who teach grades 3-8 and use novels with their students. I’d love for you to join me to learn, share, and grow together!

Click here or the image below to join my Facebook group, Book Talk with The Teaching Bank!

Click to join Book Talk with The Teaching Bank

*The Teaching Bank participates in the Amazon Associate Program and earns a fee from qualifying purchases made on the Amazon.com site.