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Reconstruction US History Unit Freedmen’s Bureau Sample Activity
This is a free sample activity from the Reconstruction Unit of the A Changing Nation Unit Bundle that is offered here in my store.
This is a FREE sample activity from the Reconstruction Unit of the A Changing Nation Unit Bundle, and the United States History to 1900 Full Year Curriculum Bundle that is offered here in my store. This download contains both a printable format as well as a Google Drive™ format and includes:
- Cover sheet
- Informational Slideshow Presentation to use for instruction.
- Guide with links to the Google Drive files and instructions on how to use it.
- IntelliNotes™ format to use when you are short on time.
- The Freedmen’s Bureau Activity
- Answer key
You can find this activity plus much more included in the Reconstruction Unit.
Or save 20% when buying this product as part of the A Changing Nation Unit Bundle.
Find even more savings when you buy this product as part of the United States History to 1900 Full Year Curriculum Bundle and save 25% over the individual unit prices.
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