

United States History to 1900 Full Year Curriculum Bundle


The American History Full-year Unit Bundle, which works for both print and Google Drive™, is a bundle of 53 units that cover the history of the United States from prehistoric times to the early 1900s. Geared to cover an entire year of 5th- grade social studies curriculum, but can be used for grades 4-6. This full-year bundle is 25% off the price of buying each unit individually.

The American History Full-year Unit Bundle, which works for both print and Google Drive™, is a bundle of 53 units that cover the history of the United States from prehistoric times to the early 1900s. Geared to cover an entire year of 5th- grade social studies curriculum, but can be used for grades 4-6. This full-year bundle is 25% off the price of buying each unit individually.

This bundle contains both a printable format as well as a Google Drive™ format. Each unit contains a student activity packet and an information slideshow for instruction.

This discounted bundle includes the following units:

  • States and Regions Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the countries, regions, and states that make-up North America and the United States.
  • The Land of the United States Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the landforms that make up the geography of the United States.
  • Bodies of Water in the United States Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the major bodies of water that make up the geography of the United States.
  • Climate and Vegetation in the United States Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the climate and vegetation of the United States.
  • People and the Environment of the United States Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of how people have settled in the United States by using the land and changing the environment.
  • Early People of North America Unit: Investigates how the early people arrived in North America, evolved with the change of time, and explores the earliest civilizations. This file is compatible with Google Drive™.
  • Eastern Woodlands Region Unit: Investigates the area and people of the Eastern Woodland region of North America. With an in-depth look at the Haudenosaunee and the Algonquian tribes. This file is compatible with Google Drive™.
  • The Plains Region Unit: Investigates the area and people of the Plains region of North America, with a close look at the Lakota and Cheyenne tribes. This file is compatible with Google Drive™.
  • Southwest and West Regions Unit: Investigates the area and people of the Southwest and Western region of North America, with a close look at the Pueblo, Navajo, Shoshone, Nez Perce, and the Chumash people. This file is compatible with Google Drive™
  • The Northwest and Arctic Regions Unit: Investigates the area and people of the Northwest and Arctic region of North America, with a close look at the Kwakiutl, Makah, Chinook, Tlingit, Haida, Aleut, Inuit, and the Athabascan people.
  • Early Exploration and Technology Unit: Investigates the early exploration and technology of the Europeans that led to their first venture into North America, with a close look at the path that led Christopher Columbus's exploration in 1492.
  • A Changing World Unit: Investigates the early explorations of Europeans and the effect on geographic understanding and advancement.
  • Spanish Exploration Unit: Investigates the early Spanish explorations of North and South America.
  • Other Nations Explore Unit: Investigates the early explorations to find a Northwest Passage through or around North America.
  • Spanish Colonies Unit: Investigates the formation and ways of life in the early Spanish colonies in North and Central America.
  • Virginia Colonies Unit: Investigates the formation and ways of life in the early Virginia colonies in North America.
  • Plymouth Colony Unit: Investigates the formation and ways of life in the early Plymouth Colony of North America.
  • French and Dutch Colonies Unit: Investigates the formation and ways of life in the early French and Dutch Colonies of North America.
  • Settling the New England Colonies Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the early colonist settlements of New England.
  • Life in New England Colonies Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of life in the early New England colonies.
  • Economy of the New England Colonies Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the development and growth of early New England’s economy.
  • Settling the Middle Colonies Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the early colonist settlements of the Middle Colonies.
  • Life in the Middle Colonies Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of life in the early Middle colonies.
  • The Economy of the Middle Colonies Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the economy of the Middle colonies.
  • Settling the Southern Colonies Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the early colonist settlements of the Southern Colonies.
  • Life in the Southern Colonies Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the early colonist settlements of the Southern Colonies.
  • The Economy of the Southern Colonies Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the economy of the Southern Colonies.
  • Fighting for Control of the Colonies Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the fight for control of the colonies between 1750-1764.
  • Colonists Speak Out Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of how the colonists started to speak out to show their feelings of being taxed without representation.
  • Disagreements Between Colonists and British Grow Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the disagreements between the Colonists and the British that led to the Revolutionary War.
  • Road to Revolutionary War Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the road that led to the Revolutionary War.
  • Declaring Independence Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the actions that the colonists took to officially declare their independence from Britain.
  • Americans and the Revolution Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the hardships the colonists encountered due to the war and the contributions made by different American groups to the Patriot cause.
  • Fighting for Independence Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of several important battles of the Revolutionary War and how Americans handled the hardships with some help from other nations.
  • Winning Independence Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of several important battles of the Revolutionary War and how Americans ultimately won with the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
  • Effects of the Revolutionary War Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the effects of the Revolutionary War on different populations in the United States including former soldiers, enslaved Africans, Women, and Native Americans.
  • The Constitutional Convention Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of why the Articles of Confederation were not working and how the Americans attempted to fix the issues at the Constitutional Convention.
  • The Constitution Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the creation and ratification of the United States Constitution.
  • The Bill of Rights and New Government Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of what the Bill of Rights is and why it was added to the Constitution and also how the new government of the United States was set up.
  • A Constitutional Democracy Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of how the federal, state, and local governments in the United States work under the Constitution and the responsibilities of citizenship.
  • Exploring the West Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of how the United States obtained and explored the land to the West for migration.
  • Expanding Borders Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of how the United States expanded its borders to the west and investigates the conflict that resulted with the Native Americans.
  • From Ocean to Ocean Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the United States’ acquisition of land from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and the western migration of the settlers.
  • New Ideas and Inventions Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of how the changing technology in the early-mid 1800’s changed the way people lived and worked.
  • The North and the South Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the conflicts that occurred between the Northern and the Southern States leading up to the Civil War.
  • Resisting Slavery Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the actions of enslaved and free African Americans as well as white abolitionists towards the understanding and the ending of slavery in America.
  • The Nation Divides Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the events and political climate that led to the Confederate States' secession and the start of the Civil War.
  • Fighting the Civil War Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of major battles, events, and important contributions during the Civil War.
  • The Civil War Ends Unit: Investigates and helps gain an understanding of the battles and events that led to a Union victory to end the Civil War.
  • Reconstruction Unit: Investigates the Reconstruction Era after the conclusion of the Civil War.
  • The Last Frontier Unit: Investigates the movement of settlers to the Midwest and Western portions of the United States, and the impact on the Native Americans in the mid-1800s.
  • New Industries Unit: Investigates the new industries and inventions and their implications on labor in the post-Civil War United States.
  • Cities & Immigration Unit: Investigates the changes in cities and increased immigration in the post-Civil War United States.

Includes a Scope and Sequence Guide for all units.


→Please click the link to each individual product title to see a more in-depth description for each unit as well as a preview file for each unit.


These zipped files include 106 PDF files (53 units and 53 slideshows).


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