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Sideways Stories from Wayside School Printable Novel Study
Sideways Stories from Wayside School Novel Unit is a Common Core Standard aligned book study to be used with Sideways Stories From Wayside School by Louis Sachar.
This download contains a printable format only. You can find this complete printable novel study combined with a Google Drive™ version here.
Sideways Stories from Wayside School Novel Unit is a Common Core Standard aligned book study to be used with Sideways Stories From Wayside School by Louis Sachar.
This download contains a printable format only. You can find this complete printable novel study combined with a Google Drive™ version here.
This is a complete novel study that includes many individual products bundled together to offer you extensive savings! This comprehensive unit also includes additional writing activities, teacher plans, and CCSS alignment that you cannot find in the individual components. This complete novel study is by far your best value!
Try out a FREE sample of this product here which includes all activities for Day 1 of the unit.
This unit is designed to be used with some student/instructor interaction, but can easily be used as an independent study for the student. It is written for the 3-5th grade reading level.
This unit works great in a one-on-one setting for homeschooling or for a teacher to use as a resource in the classroom for a small group or entire class. This no-prep unit is designed so that you can start teaching immediately with little to no preparation on your part. Great time saver!
This unit contains:
Teacher Packet containing:
- Detailed daily lesson plans
- Pacing and Standards Guide
- Vocabulary Word Wall Cards
- Answer keys
Student Packet containing:
- Vocabulary activities for 10 words.
- Comprehension questions in a short answer format for deeper thinking for every chapter.
- Extension activities that correlate with the book. **Only available in this complete Novel Study Product!
An Assessment Packet containing:
- An after-the-book vocabulary quiz
- An after-the-book comprehension quiz in both a short answer and multiple-choice format for differentiation
- An after-the-book writing assessment
An End of the Book Activity Packet that can be used with any book.
A Story Elements Interactive Notebook Activity Packet that can be used with any book.
Common Core Standards Alignment for grades 3-5. This is included at the end of the unit so if you do not need it you can easily discard it without changing the unit itself. To see how this is set up please see the free preview for the CCSS checklist in its entirety.
→Please view the preview to see sample pages of all parts of this unit as well as the complete CCSS alignment checklist for grades 3-5 in its entirety. Please email with any questions you may have!
Are you using Google Classroom? Trying to use less paper? Check out my Sideways Stories from Wayside School Complete Novel Study that includes this printable version as well as a Google Drive™ compatible version! The best of both worlds!
Try out a FREE sample of this product here which includes all activities for Day 1 of the unit.
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